Media Aid Center                                                              
Building Bridges through Communications

To make things happen sometimes you just have to do something. It starts with finding resources, then you have put in the time.


Here Media Aid Center staff work with volunteers and teachers to build David Starr Jordan High Schools first media center. From the time we first met until the center was maned and ready, just two months. It is still in operation today.



If your on this page, you must be interested in getting involved. 

This year our goals are:

  1. To build permanent facilities on three South Los Angeles high school campuses
  2. To refurbish and reequip our main facility
  3. To become a for credit program for high school and middle school
  4. And complete the development of our online class structure.

There are three ways to get involved:donate, sponsor, and volunteer.We hope you can help.


This is a fast way to help. Just click on the donate button and give any amount through PayPal. If online giving is not your style, you can send a check to "The Media Aid Center".

Mailing address: The Media Aid Center , 7862 South Western Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90047-2727. 




This is a way for you or your company to be recognized for your contribution. When you donate specify the level of recognition your contribution earned for you in the text box provided. 

Check out the benefit levels.

Bronze Quill $100 Donors: you will receive a certificate of appreciation and be announced as a sponsor on school programs.

Sliver Quill $500 Donors: you will receive the same recognition as a Bronze Quill donor with a more permanent reminder, our classic Media Aid Center coffee mug.

Gold Quill $1000 Donors: In addition to sliver level recognition, your sponsorship acknowledgement repeated in our school programs throughout the month.

Platinum Quill $2,500 Donors: You step into a whole new level of recognition with an entire year of online and on air acknowledgement of your support. All the above is also included.

Inner Circle Sponsor $5,000 Donors: Now you join the inner circle. At this level, we know you want to participate. You’ll be invited to trainings, planning meets, and other staff and board events. You’ll get to know us and we hope you’ll find a way for you to enjoy supporting our kids.

 Distinguished Sponsor $10,000 Donors: This Inner Circle member will be listed on our 2015 Wall of Recognition to show their exceptional level of support.


A large part of what the Media Aid Center runs on volunteer power. Field trips, job shadowing, event coverage, mentorship, and event planning are the core activities piloted by our volunteers. Even one day a month supporting a special event helps a lot.

In January, the center will be recruiting volunteers to support and plan the spring and summer field trips  and activities.

Click here to contact us.