Here Micheal Penn teaches a little about the production process to a few central valley folks.
Our Staff
These people are key to the Center.
Bess Sims
Program Technical Support
Starting out as a Media Aid Center Parent volunteer, Bess Sims has grown into a core member of the Center’s program. With a B.A. in Communication and a Masters in Education and Technology, she has served as a teacher and program developer with Center since 2004.
Her training in systems administration and hands on experience, has enabled many of Center’s successes.
Martin Cheeseborough
Executive Director/ Founder
Since 2003, Martin Cheeseborough has led the community of South Los Angeles in making digital art and communication technology training an active part of school curricula and life. His program, the Media Aid Center, has built 4 media studios for youths and young adults. His after school program has trained over 4000 students, while his on campus facilities are a sustainable and ongoing part of school curricula.
All of these programs leverage work experience with community service. Students produce real world products that serve to inform and enlighten their neighbors. In this way, his students learn the issues of the community and become an amplifier for their self-expression.
Beverly Matthews
Program Developer
Beverly Matthews brings 18 years of experience in resource development, community organizing, and training for the Los Angeles Unified School District and dozens of community organizations to the team. Her ability to tailor technical services to the specific needs of a school or population has made her the primary program developer for the Media Aid Center.